Day 23 Thoughts are Just Thoughts

Thoughts are Just Thoughts

Day 23: Thoughts are Just Thoughts:

Today, focus on how we are not our thoughts. Β Not only that, but focus on how thoughts are just thoughts. Not all thoughts are facts. Β Sometimes thoughts are just thoughts. Β They come and go, and they are not who we are.

Become conscious of your thoughts are start challenging them. Β Pay special attention to thoughts that are negative toward yourself and others. Β Also write down what your challenge to each thought was.

Once we learn that thoughts are just thoughts, they have a lot less power over us. Β Once we realize that we have a choice about how we view and respond to thoughts, we are in more control of the situation and our lives.


Stop Sabotaging: A 31 Day DBT Challenge to Change Your Life

by Debbie Corso

Day 22 You Are Not Your Emotions

You Are Not Your Emotions

Day 22: You Are Not Your Emotions:

Emotions are transient states that we experience, and they come and go. Β Sometimes, it may be hard to remember that you are not your emotions. Β e.g. You may say, “I am sad”. Β Are you really sadness, or are you just experiencing sadness temporarily?

The next time you experience an uncomfortable emotion, try to separate who you are from the emotion you are experiencing. Instead of “I am angry”, say to yourself “Anger is coming up within me, and it will pass”.

Remind yourself: “I am not my emotion. Β I am experiencing the emotion of (…), and it will pass”. By doing so, it will become easier for you to separate yourself from that emotion and allow it toΒ pass.


Stop Sabotaging: A 31 Day DBT Challenge to Change Your Life

by Debbie Corso